
Guild wars 2 beta change preview

It apears ArenaNet is keeping up to their promises! So many changes, so little time to look at everything new! I'm still planing to check how crafting is done as I haven't had time for that in the last BWE. After that, time for some sPvP with guildmates. Watch out for me, I'll be the one burning you with my flamethrower.

If anyone is interested in joining our guild, here's the link: Reckoning Guild EU

And the link to the offical blog:
ArenaNet blog
Keep Your Characters!
Or create new human, norn, or charr characters and start a whole new story. Since players will be able to play with their existing characters from the first Beta Weekend Event, they can experience some of the new higher level content.
Enter the Catacombs (Explorable Mode)
Looking for a real challenge? Try out the explorable mode of the Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon for groups of ambitious level 35+ players. The tough explorable mode of the Catacombs presents a party with three different paths through the dungeon, each with its own dangers and rewards. Enter if you dare!
Visit Lovely Gendarran Fields
We’ve opened up a new map, Gendarran Fields, for players to explore. A level 25 to 35 map just outside Lion’s Arch, Gendarran Fields is a picturesque area of pine trees and rolling hills, teeming with wild beasts and bandit gangs.
Unlock the Mysteries of the Mystic Forge
On a less dangerous note, the Mystic Forge has arrived in Lion’s Arch. This strange forge actually holds the imprisoned djinn Zommoros, who hails from distant Elona. If you offer the Mystic Forge gifts (like unneeded items and weapons), you will receive a gift in return. Got a pair of pistols that you don’t need? Drop them in the Mystic Forge and see what Zommoros gives you in exchange!
Expanded World vs. World
Once again, the Mists will echo with the sound of combat as we open up World vs. World for the weekend. As usual, massive armies of players from different servers will battle for supremacy on four huge maps, but this time we’ve added a couple of interesting new twists.
Players can now take their WvW battle underground in a new “mini dungeon” beneath the central map. This brand-new subterranean level is full of tricks and traps that can be used against enemy players, and is home to the aptly named Dark Room, which players will have to see (or not) to believe.
We’ve also added skill challenges, dynamic events, and even jump puzzles to the WvW maps. Why are these PvE elements being integrated into WvW gameplay? “We want to make the transition from PvE to World vs. World easy and natural for players,” says developer Matt Witter. “We always wanted additional meaningful content on the WvW maps so that players will always have something to do, even if the frontline of battle is far away.”
New Automated Player vs. Player Tournaments and More
For this beta, we’re introducing Automated PvP Tournaments. Each tournament pits eight teams of five players against each other. Teams that excel during the three-round, single-elimination tournament are rewarded with tournament chests full of valuable loot.
The PvP reward system has also been greatly improved with the creation of a two-tier reward structure that involves Glory and Rank. Put simply, Glory is a currency that players can spend to unlock reward chests stuffed with useful loot, while Rank is a measurement of your success in PvP. You’ll receive valuable reward chests as you climb in Rank.
Combat— “A Sense of Hitting”
Combat in Guild Wars 2 is more visceral than ever. We’re constantly making improvements to the entire combat experience—better timing, enhanced sound design, subtle camera shakes—to enhance what designer Jon Peters likes to call “the sense of hitting.”
Improved Overflow Servers
We listened to a lot of the input we received from players regarding their experience with overflow servers in the first Beta Weekend Event, and we’ve implemented a new party UI that tells you when party members are on a different overflow world. We’ve also given party members the ability to fast travel to overflow worlds where other members of their party are located, and we’ve made it easier to keep party members together when moving between maps. It’s all designed to give you as smooth an experience as possible.
Improved Chat
Communication in general has been greatly improved, as well. We’re adding the much-requested chat bubbles, as well as map chat and an updated local chat function, both of which make it easier to communicate with other players.
New Key-Binding Feature
This is one of our most requested features. For those who want to customize their gameplay experience, we’re introducing a new, easy-to-use key-binding interface, which now allows you to bind modifier keys.
UI Improvements 
MMO players are often very particular about their user interface, and we’re no exception. We’ve listened to your feedback and have refined our UI to make it even easier to use. We’ve revamped the mini-map in the bottom-right corner of the screen. The formerly round mini-map is now square and can easily be resized for better navigation.
UI Artist Vicki Ebberts says, “Little adjustments, like making the map resizable or wrapping the dodge meter around the top of the health bubble, may not seem like a big deal at first, but over the course of many hours spent playing a game, you start to appreciate a well-designed interface.”
Tiers for Skills
We’ve organized each profession’s elite and utility skills into three different tiers, or levels. When you get enough skills in one tier, you unlock the next level of skills. Why the change from the previous model, which let players choose from all the available skills at once?
“The tier system gives players both a sense of progression and accomplishment,” says Lead Designer Eric Flannum. “It encourages them to experiment with different skills as they increase in power, and it avoids overwhelming new players with a huge list of skills to choose from.”
“Plus,” Flannum adds, “the tier system is more scalable and expandable. We can more easily add new skills in the future with this system.”
The Gem Store is under New Management
The Black Lion Trading Company out of Lion’s Arch has officially taken over operation of the Gem Store, Currency Exchange, and Trading Post. Its new owner’s first action was to completely overhaul the Gem Store.
As a result, the all-new Gem Store is easier to use and has a greater variety of items, from the decorative—like dye packs and costumes—to the whimsical—like the Box o’ Fun, which spawns a chest that applies random crazy effects to everyone who touches it. Each beta player will receive 500 free gems on their account, so do a little shopping on us!
In Closing…
There’s no shortage of things to see and do during our second Beta Weekend Event, and this is just a small sample of what awaits you when you log in.
We’ll see you in-game from Friday, June 8th, at noon PDT (GMT-7) until Sunday, June 10th, at 11:59 p.m. PDT (GMT-7).

Weekend adventure in rift

Lets be honest. Rifts are great. I've played it for 3 days straight and I'm totaly hooked up.

Sexy, sexy mage!

Well honestly, the game has quite standard quest-hub feel but the rifts, invasions and other events give the world this nice "alive" feeling. I loved it when there was an invasion in the level 5-20 area and a whole bunch of players grouped up to close the life rift. It gave me this warm feeling of an actual gaming community which I haven't had for a long time. Also, I changed the server to Icewatch which is at medium capacity and apears to have quite many active players. 

Unfortunately, the trial only lasted till level 20 and you can not leave the first major zone with the "Free to Play" account. I explored a little, got to know the main city quite well and stood in the LFG queue for 6 hours. Yes, 6 hours. When I finally entered the dungeon (Realm of the Fae), the group was nice and we went trough the place with only 7 wipes (somehow I don't think or rogue tank was suitable)! 

So after playing both Rift and Guild Wars 2 (beta), I must say, it will be hard to come back to an MMO without some kind of events happening on a daily basis. Rift really impressed me, I'll buy it as soon as exams end. Oh, the game does have one giant minus. The traveling system is horrible. The distances between places in Silverwood aren't neglectable and before I had enough plutonium (oops, I mean platinum) for a mount the walks took ages! 


SW:TOR opening endless trial in july

Today during the E3 event, EA announced the following:

Raised Level-Cap with new abilities.
New species: Cathar
New companion: HK51
New Planet: Makeb Has (continuation of the personal story content)
New Space Mission: Space station assault
New Warzone: Ancient Hypergates
New Operation: Terror from Beyond
Server Transfers
July will see the introduction of Free to Play capped at level 15

Can this be enough to save the game from an obvious incline of active subscriptions? I haven't played it since the free 7day period and honestly nothing major has change from the launch. The game still has this lifeless feeling, planets are nothing but corridors, NPCs are more like lampposts and once you hit 50 the biggest perk of the game, the story, stops.

I am thinking of playing a bit 1-15 on other races once the endless trial kicks in, it might be fun to get nice gear and do some 1-49 warzones. The only problem is, I need to choose a server that isn't low/empty, as apparently cross-server warzones and LFG are still just a dream for TOR players.

It is this writers honest opinion that SW:TOR will stay Free to Play up to 15, as is currently with Warhammer Online. EA will probably not change their policy regarding full f2p MMOs with cash shops. But being around the gaming world for a while and knowing how EA operate, I think a cash shop might be even worse. Pay to Win =/= Free to Play.


On and off with Allods Online

Allods online has to be one of my favorite f2p MMOs out there. The russians realy did a good job to make a themepark MMO which realy appeals to WoW players. But it has it's up and downs, and with the only 2 remaining servers on the way to being merged, it feels like the game was not realy a success.

I realy don't know if the problem stands with the pay-to-win model, as you do need to invest quite a lot of money to play normaly, or with the repetativness of quests. A while ago, I made an Orc Shaman and it was quite well to play, except for a few problems. The abilities are limited, the talents are not realy interesting and there only are 1-2 viable builds for each class.

But hey, the expension is here and with it a new class - the Bard! My new character was to be an empire human bard, sexy little Russian girl! Once in the game, the feeling of the bard was smooth and playable, the abilities, although few, work realy well and I sliced trough the mobs all the way to level 10 in a matter of minutes. I can't realy point out what, but something has been done to the game which made it feel relaxed and unforced on you. Just hope that feeling doesn't go away once you hit that Piramide and the hopeless grind of millions of shinny orbs to get the teleporters working!

The feel of the game realy doesn't feel changed since the last time I played it, the cash shop is still here and still requires you to own a credit card (I would love to pay for a mount with PayPal). If all goes well I will be played this game for a bit now, you can find me on the Nezeb server, just poke Cocha.


Giving Rift another go

Weekend starts, bored of D3 (click, click, click just isn't my thing I guess). Last time I've seen Rift was almost a year ago, in a free trial that didn't exactly played on my strings. A game with such resemblance to WoW, yet the gameplay just didn't feel like it stood where it needed to stand. I tried it while still playing WoW and since the monthly fee was the same as Blizzards game, I decided not to buy.

But now, free of WoWs grasp,  I decided to try Rift again. Checking Trions site, I notice they now offer a  trial with no time limitation, which is ok, I guess. Installation took exactly 15 minutes (God bless optic fiber connection!). The install and startup was fast, painless, game ran smoothley and nice. Create a character, something generic, let's go with mage! But wait here is when things get complicated. With so many choices I actualy had to stop and took a minute to read what does each subclass do. Not bad, Trion, not bad.

After choosing Guardians, I made a pyromancer and head out into the world. Nice intro, lovely graphics and the world feels amazingly alive, unlike some new MMOs (*cough SW:TOR cough*). I'm already level 5, questing with a random hunter. I belive he joined me via some public group system which is quite a nice touch. Looking at settings, the progress Trion made on the game since release is visible and it also keeps a steady amount of around 300k subs.

I will be playing most of the weekend, you can find me on Sagespire (PvP), under the name Cochana.

Upcoming Guild Wars 2 BWE

The second Beta Weekend Event from ArenaNet is on it's way, coming to us 8/6/2012 8pm GMT!

With the announcment of the second beta weekend lots are wondering what changes can we see, will there be Asura/Sylvari as playable races, not only NPCs, how hard are the dungeons... Gw2guru is already holding a list of leaked patch notes which will probably be noticed, but unfortunatly for some, Asura and Sylvari will not be playable yet.

With ArenaNet answering some of our questions in their own blog, Chris Whiteside, lead producer also talks about taking players wishes into consideration:
"We have listened intently to all of your feedback from our first Beta Weekend Event, and we’ve made great strides toward resolving many of the issues you’ve helped us identify. These include party movement into overflow servers, chat functionality, key bindings, server stability, performance, and many more that we will detail in the near future." -  Chris Whiteside
As with the last beta weekend, we hope they can keep a stable connection for everyone to expirience the majesty of this wonderful game equaly. Here at MMO Fanatic we will be posting an extensive report with tons of screenshots!

LFM - Bloggers!

How would you like to be part of a new MMO community? 

MMO Fanatic is looking for experienced gamers who enjoy playing MMOs to write a word or 2 on this blog, for any MMO out there (released, in production, doesn't matter!).

You can send any contibution to smodish@gmail.com with with your name, post and if you wish, screenshots from the game (your own if possible).